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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in IEEE Access, 2021
This paper presents an approach to understanding MRI scanner utilization using DICOM metadata using the Niffler framework.
Citation: Kathiravelu, P., Sharma, A., and Sharma, P. Understanding Scanner Utilization with Real-Time DICOM Metadata Extraction. In IEEE Access. Vol. 9, pp. 10621 – 10633. January 2021.
Published in Journal of Digital Imaging (JDI), 2021
This paper presents the architecture of Niffler DICOM framework.
Citation: Kathiravelu, P., Sharma, P., Sharma, A., Banerjee, I., Trivedi, T., Purkayastha, S., Sinha, P., Cadrin-Chenevert, A., Safdar, N., and Gichoya, J. A DICOM Framework for Machine Learning Pipelines against Real-Time Radiology Images. In Journal of Digital Imaging (JDI). 34(4), 1005-1013. August 2021.
Published in IEEE Access, 2021
This paper presents the NEXUS workflow framework for closed-loop executions.
Citation: Kathiravelu, P., Sarikhani, P., Gu, P., and Mahmoudi, B. Software-Defined Workflows for Distributed Interoperable Closed-Loop Neuromodulation Control Systems. In IEEE Access. 9, 131733-131745. September 2021.
Published in Elsevier Computer Networks, 2022
This paper presents Viseu, Virtual Internet Services at the Edge, a utility based on a decentralized Blockchain architecture.
Citation: Kathiravelu, P., Zaiman, Z., Gichoya, J., Veiga, L., and Banerjee, I. Towards an Internet-Scale Overlay Network for Latency-Aware Decentralized Workflows at the Edge. In Computer Networks (COMNET). 203, 108654. February 2022.
Published in IEEE Access, 2022
This paper presents the CONTROL-CORE framework for the design and simulation of neuromodulation control systems.
Citation: Kathiravelu, P., Arnold, M., Fleischer, J., Yao, Y., Awasthi, S., Goel, A. K., Branen, A., Sarikhani, P., Kumar, G., Kothare, M. V., and Mahmoudi, B. CONTROL-CORE: A Framework for Simulation and Design of Closed-Loop Peripheral Neuromodulation Control Systems. In IEEE Access. 10, 36268-36285. March 2022.
Published in IEEE Computer Magazine, 2023
This paper visualizes the MRI scanner utilization using DICOM metadata retrieved via Niffler, leveraging the dashboards developed with Eaglescope.
Citation: Kathiravelu, P., Li, N., Singi, N., Bhimireddy, A., Birmingham, R., Gichoya, J., Trivedi, H., Safdar, N., Sharma, A., and Sharma, P. Visualizing Scanner Utilization from MRI Metadata and Clinical Data. In IEEE Computer. 56(8), 68-76. August 2023.
Published in IEEE Computer Magazine. Special Issue on Computing in Telemedicine, 2023
Telehealth has increased healthcare and specialist access to patients in healthcare deserts, the regions with limited healthcare. Telehealth provides healthcare to patients remotely, connecting them from their homes or community clinics to healthcare practitioners in remote sites, typically through the Internet. Therefore, stable Internet access is a deciding factor for telehealth. We observe the internet latency's relation to healthcare deserts as preliminary work toward evaluating disparities in telehealth in practice.
Citation: Kathiravelu, P., Fonović, D., Grbac, T. G., Zaiman, Z., Veiga, L., Gichoya, J., Purkayastha, S., and Mahmoudi. B. The Telehealth Dilemma – Healthcare Deserts Meet Internet's Remote Regions. In IEEE Computer. 56(9), 39-49. August 2023.
Published in Cluster Computing – The Journal of Networks Software Tools and Applications (CLUSTER), 2024
Telehealth primarily relies on the availability of reliable Internet connectivity. However, Internet access can be challenging in remote regions far from the major Internet hubs. Such poor connectivity can prevent access to telehealth, where there is a tremendous need due to limited local healthcare facilities. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), the exterior gateway protocol of the Internet, is not optimized for performance or shortest path. However, understanding network paths in remote regions of the Internet can enable network architectures tailored for telehealth access in remote regions. This paper explores the Internet landscape in Alaska, a vast remote region in the USA as far as the Internet access is concerned. Our study reveals how the state's geography impacts internet connectivity and provides insights into global connection routes. Leveraging the capabilities of RIPE Atlas, we study the Internet ecosystem in the northern state on various metrics, such as route paths and latency. We consider our network measurements an early step towards understanding the network paths and performance in the circumpolar north and other remote regions. Such measurements pave the way for simulated algorithms that could optimize telehealth access. Using Internet measurements as a core building block, we present our integrated approach to telehealth optimizations through network measurements and understanding network paths.
Citation: Caballero, E. S., Ramirez, J., Alisetti, S. V., Almario, S., and Kathiravelu, P. Network Measurements for Telehealth Optimizations. Understanding Internet Paths in Remote Regions. In Cluster Computing – The Journal of Networks Software Tools and Applications (CLUSTER). (IF: 2.7, Q1). December 2024. Accepted. Springer.
AMQP-based Message-Oriented Middleware APIs for OpenDaylight controller.