I am Pradeeban, an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA).
My research interests include distributed computing, wide-area networks, big data federation, Internet measurements, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), and active learning in computer science education. I work on projects that apply these research aspects to the circumpolar north on diverse topics such as healthcare equity in rural Alaska, telehealth access in healthcare deserts, polar science, and Alaska Native Studies. I also enjoy mentoring undergraduates in open-source and research.
Before joining UAA, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University. I have an EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Distributed Computing (EMJD-DC) from INESC-ID Lisboa / Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal and Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
March 23, 2025: Our paper on L4SBOA got accepted to the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE). See you all in Vancouver, BC, Canada from May 26th to 29th!
February 27, 2025: Alaska is accepted again as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code (GSoC). We are looking forward to a productive GSoC 2025.
December 25, 2024: Our paper “Network Measurements for Telehealth Optimizations: Understanding Network Paths in Remote Regions.” has been accepted for publication in the Springer Cluster Computing journal. Congratulations, Eleonora and team!
October 9, 2024: Please read about the Alaskan Season of Code and our excellent contributors.
October 2, 2024: I will represent Alaska at the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Mentor Summit 2024 in Sunnyvale, Oct 4th Friday - Oct 6th Sunday, as the founding organization administrator for Alaska. Are you also attending the mentor summit? Let’s meet there!
August 12, 2024: I presented our ongoing work, “Peer Learning in Diverse Student Population in Distributed Computing Education and Research,” at the ICER 2024 Work-in-Progress Workshop in Melbourne, Australia.
July 25, 2024: I presented our work, “Peer Learning in Diverse Undergraduate Population in Networking and Distributed Computing Research,” at the PAEE/ALE 2024 conference in San Andrés, Colombia.
May 6, 2024: I presented our work, “Distributed Computing Systems and Approaches for Polar Science Research: An Interdisciplinary Systematic Review,” at the Urgent Computing for the Edge-Cloud Continuum, QUICK Workshop Co-located with CCGrid’24 in Philadelphia, PA.
May 4, 2024: 4 of our papers got accepted to the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE). See you all in Kingston, ON, Canada from August 5th to 9th!
May 1, 2024: Alaska welcomes 4 contributors for this year’s Google Summer of Code (GSoC). I will mentor Kolawole Daramola on L4SBOA and Alisetti Sai Vamsi on AWANTA. We are looking forward to a very productive GSoC this summer.
February 21, 2024: Alaska is accepted as a new mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2024. I am excited to be an organization administrator and mentor, helping contributors with our project ideas. Are you interested? Apply to become a GSoC Contributor!
October 23, 2023: I presented our work, “Network Measurements and Optimizations for Telehealth in Internet’s Remote Regions,” at the Software-Defined Systems (SDS) Conference in San Antonio, TX.
July 10, 2023: I will represent the Department of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University (Emory BMI) at the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Mentor Summit 2023 in Sunnyvale, Oct 13th Friday - Oct 15th Sunday, as the primary organization administrator for Emory BMI.
March 31, 2023: I am joining the University of Alaska Anchorage, College of Engineering as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science this Fall. I will be a part of an excellent team of faculty in Anchorage. Look forward to more updates from me during this new chapter of my life.